Chrome for Windows Finally Getting Sharp, Clean Fonts
On the heels of its recent Chrome 36 software update, Google announced on its official Chromium blog Friday that the beta of Chrome 37 is now available for download.
The new software means that Chrome can now support Microsoft Windows‘ new text-rendering API, DirectWrite. The API replaces Graphics Device Interface (GDI), used by Google since the 1980s.
What that means for users: Chrome for Windows will finally — finally! have clear text and clean fonts. The company provided a comparison between GDI and DirectWrite:
Other improvements in Chrome 37 include the accruing of the dialog HTML5 element, which allows users to code dialog boxes for web apps and adjust them with a JavaScript API. The old method, showModalDialog, is now obsolete.
Perhaps the most obvious change for users is the shift in monospaced fonts from Courier New to the thicker, darker Consolas.